Coriic Qel-Dorren
"It is now my utmost duty to hand this reverence down to the students under my tutelage. Verily I say,
that it supersedes the duty to pass along skill with the lightsaber. For as I said, if there is no reverence and understanding within the heart or mind of the students, they are not worthy of obtaining the skill." -Coriic Qel-Dorren

Jedi Records: A04D05Y93
Age: 40 | Hair: White | Rank: Battlemaster |
Born: 11 BTC | Eyes: White | Branch: Jedi Guardian |
Species: Echani | Skin: Fair | Enclave: Servants of the Force |
Weight: 117.16 kg | 258.3 lbs | Height: 2m | 6'6 ft | Gender: Male |

Birth & Unknown Tragedy: 11 BTC - 9 BTC
The Echani twins were born into a world rife with political uncertainty. A neutral world, Eshan stood at a perpetual crossroads. Ever being pressured to side with either the Republic or Empire. Emissaries from both factions stirring chaos as they strove to secure loyalty and allies. House Qel-Dorren suffered greatly in this struggle for dominance. The family, an ardent supporter of Eshan's neutrality, was betrayed from within. Former Matriarch, Wyria Qel-Dorren, conspired with a ruthless and cunning Sith named Darth Avakar to secure her houses loyalty to the Empire. As a sign of faith, she offered her newly born grandsons; Coriic and Tyriin. Discovered to be Force Sensitive by a Jedi Ambassador, and all but promised to be sent away for training in the Order. Thus, the bargain was struck to give the children to the Sith, so that they might one day lead the house in service to the Empire as Sith Lords. When the plot was discovered, she was exiled and fled. However, she returned with her Sith Lover, to abduct her grandsons. In the ensuing chaos, tragedy struck. Tyriin, the younger of the twins was taken in their escape from the planet. Coriic, the elder, remained. In grief, his parents denied the Jedi's request to then take him to be trained in their ways. To guard against any further attempts a decision founded in newfound paranoia, the family left Eshan. Traveling to Tatooine to live in seclusion for a time. Attempts to recover Tyriin were made without success. All that was known for certain was he was being raised on Dromund Kaas as the adoptive son of his abductors. It was decided then, that the whole affair would be never spoken of. The pain and secrets, hidden away. But never forgotten.First Steps, First Strike, and The Warrior's Path: 9 BTC - 6 ATC
Coriic was a quiet, but happy child. Movement came naturally to him. Crawling and walking far sooner than most. As is the way with Echani children, his training began the day he could walk. He was placed upon the warrior's path. Drilling and sparring daily with his older brother Trettus and his father, who instructed them both, was both joy and duty for him. He was raised with love among his parents and two siblings, with no knowledge of his lost twin.The Force, also came with ease to the child. His parents feared it would draw unwanted attention. Thus, he was instructed to never use it. To lock it away within himself. However, as is the way with children, such a command was impossible to keep fully. In fits of anger or in moments of joy it would slip through. During one such occurrence, his outburst was enough to draw someone to the family. Out of the desert emerged a young woman. She introduced herself as Myril Riis, a former Jedi Knight. She offered to help train Coriic so that he would understand and be better controlled with his use of the Force. With some reluctance, her offer was accepted for it was necessary. In the fifth year of his life, she began his mentoring. A struggle initially for all. For balancing the teachings and beliefs of a Jedi, who had left the Order for disagreements of certain doctrines, and the beliefs and customs of the Echani was a delicate act. However, control and an understanding of how and when to use the Force brought peace of mind to both Coriic and his parents. Myril was soon simply another member of the family, if only in name. It was not long after this, that the family returned to Eshan. There is little to say of the rest of his childhood. Only that he excelled in training and education with a zeal and temperance that contrasted so starkly and fundamentally it began to reveal his soul. Equal parts fire and ice.At the age of twelve, he would be thrust once more into the political struggle of his world. He was to be fostered in House Faye-Wen. An accord between the families had been long in the making, to secure further support for the Republic on the planet. His purpose was to train with and ultimately marry their eldest daughter, Raala. Their union would secure support from several other houses in moving the planet to declare for the Republic. Hopes were high, as initial attraction was obvious in the first spar.However, the spark of attraction was never more than a spark. Soon life in House Faye-Wen became taxing on the young man. Coriic and Raala while well matched in the political sphere, matured in different directions. Both headstrong and proud to a fault, their spars were a matter of much rumor and jest among the servants of the household. This stemmed from a counter cultural seed that had been planted in the young warrior by his Force mentor. A growing desire to live outside of Eshan and the matriarchy under which it was ruled. To see and discover the ways of other planets. To adventure and serve the greater galaxy. To be a Jedi. He kept this hidden and concealed all truth of it from all but Raala. Who discovered much of the extent of his beliefs over the course of their training. Every strike he withheld, softened, or the manner in which he would not engage her at all. For she correctly perceived his disinterest to marry her and in the ways of their people outside of battle. A staunch traditionalist, in the manner of her family, she often accused him. Demanding he admit and repent. However, he was well spoken and cunning. His responses were proper and gave no one else cause to doubt or even suspect the convictions forming deep in his core. This enraged her, and she vowed to make his life misery unless he atoned and made penitence for his views and submitted to the way of life of their people. Ironically, driving him further into his resolves. More worryingly, it drove his emotions to boil and surface far more often. She knew every button to press, for no one knew him better. More than one indiscretion did he commit under her influence, direct or otherwise. Including, a particularly violent outburst that resulted in the near death of several servants. Fortunately, his mentor had been permitted to remain and train him still. Keeping him far steadier and grounded than if she had not.In the winter of his sixteenth year, whilst home visiting family and under the advice of Myril Riis, he approached his parents with his desire to for the engagement to be voided and for him to join the Jedi Order. For all her guidance over the years, Myril was no longer a Jedi, and while she had been a Knight, her own abilities had been long exhausted in instructing Coriic. There was no more she could do for him. There was much debate over long, often heated conversations. For his insistence was earnest and they for the first time in years were given glimpse into who their son truly was. Shed every mask and pretense. While he would do only what they decreed, for he was duty and honour bound, he would desire always to be elsewhere. At last, his parents relented and agreed. The annulment of the promised union was a political disaster. The fallout saw the House fall into disfavor with even other likeminded Houses.Coriic was then brought before the Jedi Master serving as watchmen and an ambassador for the Republic for testing. Raala, incensed, her dignity insulted and tarnished stormed into the midst of the testing. She confronted Coriic there in the presence of several Jedi. Before she was escorted out, she succeeded in her intent. To disrupt and utterly ruin the focus of the would be Jedi. He failed every test from there on out. If not for the venerable Jedi Master Retrix, Coriic may well have not have been accepted into the Order for training. His case was simple. The talent and power of the young man were obvious. What he lacked was the control and focus to deal with emotional turmoil that only the Jedi could give him. After brief debate, the other Jedi agreed.A final confrontation between he and Raala in the week before he departed left more than physical consequences on the pair as she vowed he would never be rid of her. Though the only soul he told of that last discretion was his mentor Myril Riis as they bid farewell.Student of the Jedi: Initiate Struggles 6 ATC - 8 ATC
Coriic was brought to Tython by a Jedi Knight named Kay'arn. A laid back, and witty Corellian in his late twenties. There was an instant comradery between the two. A mutual desire to learn and debate, particularly over a game of Dejarik with tea. Though they most certainly did not share a passion for combat. Which was strange to Coriic. For all he had ever known was his own culture's values and beliefs.Tython was an adjustment for the Echani. The culture shock took months to sink in, and months more to overcome. The Enclave he was placed in was Knight Kay'arn's own. This helped him immensely. However, he fought constantly with his fellow students. He was not violent, but his zeal to communicate and learn resulted in many a spar that could be deemed heated. It was only with the mentoring of another Echani Jedi, Master Xhril-zor that he began to understand that this was not the way of other species and cultures. Some, yes. But most importantly, it was not the Jedi way. The Echani Jedi was assigned to Coriic to instruct him in his culture and heritage. To further his training in the disciplines of his people that he would be capable of bridging the gap between being an Echani Jedi, and a Jedi who was Echani. A distinction he struggled with.The other struggle that threatened to overcome him was that of his former instruction in philosophy of the Force and the galaxy. Myril Riis had been wise and held many insights. Yet, to have been introduced to these topics by one who had left the Order to to disagreements with Jedi rulings on some of these matters; finding his way amidst the lectures without argument and to an understanding proved an ordeal. Perhaps in no way more than with instruction regarding emotions and passions and their link. Having become a stoic in practice to conceal and control himself, he took the first and third lines of the code too literally. However, he could never understand why, only believed he must. No one saw through to the root of his struggle. This threated to tear him apart and it would be years before the damage was repaired under his Master's careful guidance.The rest of his training as an Initiate was exceptional. He was already well versed in the Lightsaber form known as Shii-Cho. Having been Myril Riis' equal in that regard. He too had spent years being trained to use and control the Force. Under her guidance, he had received nearly the equivalent training of having grown up in the temple. Merely without the lifestyle. Thus, more than one lesson in humility was earned and well deserved by the promising Initiate.Initiate Trials
The Code: In the first of his Initiate trials, Coriic was tested on his ability to apply the meaning of the Code to how a Jedi approaches battle. Line by line he rigorously and simply interwove logic and duty. While far from eloquent and lacking the greater depths and layers not expected of one his age and rank, his answers proved acceptable and he passed on to the next trial.Self-Discipline & Combat:
For his second trial, Coriic was tested on his proficiency in combat by means of a duel with the Enclave Battlemaster. While clearly outmatched, the Initiate put the full extent of his considerable skill on display. Nor did he rise to the bait of anger and frustration as the trial was meant to tempt him with. By no means was the contest even. However, he earned respect and garnered the interest of several potential Masters. He passed and proceeded to the third and final trial.His Task:
For his third trial, Coriic was tested by having to adjudicate a dispute between two Twi'leks from the village. Each accusing the other of theft. In his first interview with each villager, he found a history of bitterness and pattern of accusations between them. Furthermore, no proof was found that either possessed the items claimed to have been stolen. Oddly however, before this latest disturbance, there had been no incident for months between these two. A perceptive young man, his Echani nature and training also told him that neither man was guilty of the accusations being hurled at them. Their was anger and conviction in their stances. How they moved when they interacted and argued with each other. It was then he theorized a third party had burgled both and used their past to play them against one another. He told this to the local contact, a Twi'lek guard named Lam'filun. His theory was dismissed. He was told that they only needed to search more thoroughly and evidence would turn up. Not an hour, he was summoned when shocked anger and jubilant vindication brought many running. Lam'filun held one of the claimed stolen items in evidence and had made an arrest. When Coriic questioned him as to where the item had been found, he hid his shock when he was told a hidden safe that he had opened and cleared personally. He brought the matter before the Knight overseeing his trial, and a full investigation was launched in conjunction with the Twi'leks. Lam'filun was found guilty of corruption and theft. With this success, Coriic passed his final trial.Upon the completion of his Initiate trials he was taken as a Padawan Learner by Knight Kay'arn.Student of the Jedi: Brazen Padawan 8 ATC - 12 ATC
Coriic's training under Knight Kay'ran was diverse and hands on. Being a Jedi who preferred to live in the galaxy rather than sit back in introspection, the young Jedi and his Master spent much of his first year traveling through space. From dig site to dig site. Cantina to cantina. A process the Corellian half jokingly referred to as Bomb-proofing. Ensuring his Padawan was not blind to the state of the galaxy, nor the life lived from the seedy underground to the high rises of noble houses and dignitaries. Kay'arn focused on honing Coriic's connection to the Force and his use of it. Myril Riis had made him proficient in many basic elements. However, she was not capable of utilizing telekinetics. Therefore, she could do naught else but ensure her pupil would not utilize those powers without a measure of control. Kay'arn would in time teach him to fine tune and expand his use of other aspects of the Force.Forging the Blade:
In his second year as a Padawan, he began to explore options of further specialized training within the Order. In his exploration of the Advanced Paths he sought out his calling and his identity. He chose the path of Jedi Commander. He would study under Knight Rafin Gun in the Commander School. The Cold war between the Sith Empire and Republic had grown turbulent. Many predicted it would not be long before war broke out once more. As it was, there were more than a few skirmishes and powerplays by both sides in the following year. Between the fraying truce and other unrelated conflicts on singular planets, Coriic spent much of that year on the front lines of battlefields and aiding in the leading of troops. A natural leader and warrior, he excelled. During this time, he approached his Master and Knight Gun about the opportunity for the later to oversee his martial instruction. Having been peers and friends for many years, they understood the expertise and differences between them. It was unanimously agreed. From that moment on, the grizzled Zabrak began to mentor the growing Padawan and hone him into a hardened warrior.In his third year as a Padawan, Coriic fought against and experienced the Flesh Raiders attack on the Temple. Knight Gun and he had been training in the gnarls, as the Echani strove for greater mastery of the Lightsaber. The attack was sudden and brutal. They flew to the aid of their fellow Jedi. They fought for hours until at last the waves of creatures subsided.Later that year he met a Jedi that would greatly influence his path. Jedi Commander Ur'nim Tolix, a Battlemaster of the Order. Coriic was assigned to him to serve on a six month mission surveying and stabilizing worlds in the middle and outer rims where it was suspected that Imperials were attempting to incite violence and establish footholds against the Republic in preparation for war. There were several small but brutal battles. Several of which saw Coriic distinguish himself with cunning strategies and bold risk taking.
In the fourth year as a Padawan, his master sought and was granted permission from the Enclave council to begin his Knight Trials. The first two occurred on his home Planet of Eshan. Perhaps unorthodox, as with the rest of his training, his Master preferred life experience to instruct and guide. So it was when his skill and insight were put to the test. It was also the year that saw the false peace of the Cold War come to an end as the galaxy once more was plunged into all out war. His first major battle took place on the Planet of Balmorra. It was there he endured two of his trials. Trials of Courage and Flesh were met and overcome. Only his trial of Spirit remained. On the calm of Tython, the Darkness within him was faced and denied.Trials of KnighthoodTrials of Skill & InsightIn the opening months of 11 ATC rumors began to appear of unrest on Eshan. Whispers of assassinations and a brewing civil war prompted the need for investiagation. From their enclave, Coriic and his Master were to be sent to assist. Neither had set foot on the home planet of the Echani since that fateful day five years prior when it had been Kay’arn who had escorted him to Tython. The Padawan had misgivings concerning his return and what his involvement might mean. It was then that Coriic told only a second person about his indiscriminate actions in the days before he left the planet. Of the rest, and reasons for wanting to become a Jedi over the path placed before him on Eshan, his master had long known. So to face the tests of doubt and to discern truth from rumor, they departed.Upon arrival they learned that indeed acts had occurred that had two houses on the verge of war with one another. Each with several houses willing to back them. However, the ruling council of Eshan seemed content to let the pieces fall where they may. Given, this was in their opinion nothing more than a squabble of minor houses for minor political gain. Indeed, in the grand scheme of things, it appeared to be little else. That is when Coriic’s insight and knowledge having grown up in a noble house gave the Jedi need to reanalyze. The main houses in question, were house Faye-Wen and house Cir-Waer. The former, a staunch supporter of the Republic for generations, and the latter a vocal advocate for the Empire. This information certainly warranted a probe into things behind the scenes and a whole new line of questioning. When queries were made, only one of the houses agreed to send representatives to speak with the Jedi. As one who would know something of the culture and history of the noble houses, Coriic was requested to be in attendance. However, due to a shift in scheduling, when Coriic entered the chamber, the meeting had already begun. His entrance had far more impact than anticipated. For he froze not two steps from the through door. There, like a hauntingly real dream, stood Raala. He had known he might see her, or deal with a family member who would know him. However, he had not expected it would be so soon. Nor, that it would be in a way such as this. With her holding such a prominent role in the Jedi investigation. His pondering and panic was cut short. For the moment she and her fellows saw him, they grew hostile. Their rage and indignation evident. Stances shifted from relaxed to aggressive. Grips on weapons tightened.“What insult is this?” She demanded. “Jedi, do you claim this man?” The air in the chamber was cold, hostile, and confused. The Jedi Ambassador, a Master named Requilar. Held up a steadying hand.“Who is this man to you, Captain Fay-Wen?” Her eyes held Coriic’s with such vehemence even he was even further taken aback.“He is a dissident. Faithless and honourless, and now killer of my family. I am bound by oath to capture or kill him.” Her claims and demands hung there in the air around them. Mines waiting to be set off by the growing tension. Disarming them proved difficult. However, with much wisdom, it was discovered why her claims had been made. In her story, shortly after the disputes and maneuvering between her house and that of Cir-Waer, patrols and supply chains were being disrupted. Often, all were found killed. In the following weeks, these attacks grew more frequent and had recently become small skirmishes between the houses. In one such skirmish just a day prior, she had faced and fought the commander of her enemy's forces. She had dislodged his helmet, and who else had stood before her, but her ex fiance Coriic Qel-Dorren. He had mocked her before retreating. Now, here he stood again. His very presence continued to mock her and those of her family whose blood was on his hands. No explanation from the Jedi, no accounting of Coriic’s whereabouts over the last two days would dissuade her. She would only be satisfied with a duel and justice as decided by her hand. Trial by Combat. As was in accordance with the Laws of her people. Long deliberations were held by the Jedi among themselves. It was a challenge he could not refuse without consequences. For they were on Eshan, and as Jedi had to respect the culture and customs of its people. The law was with her, and the Jedi were beholden to the Law of the planet. So, the strategic gamble was made to allow the fight in hope he won.The traditionalist she was, all ritual was to be followed. Sunset came and all was prepared. As the challenged he could set the terms of combat, she as challenger could set the stakes. In respect and bowing to cultural expectation, he chose unarmed combat. Plain and pure. In his final preparations he confessed his concern of what loss would mean. The ramifications of her having his life in his hands. His master simply smirked, tapped him on the shoulder, and encouraged: "Then don't lose."The duel was fierce from the onset. The determination and conviction in every movement radiated from his opponent. His master would later recount to him how obvious it was to even him. Coriic had been her better when he had left. However, despite having increased his skills in the Echani Arts under Master Xhril-zor he had not been living and breathing this art. Raala had. The gap between them had closed. Indeed, in technique she had surpassed him. Yet, power and endurance favored him. Their exchanges were savage and beautiful. Pure expressions of skill and talent. Slowly, he wore her down. Keeping himself in check. Calmly and methodically he overcame her greater technical mastery with deliberate strategy and physical advantage. In the end, he pinned her fist raised. "Yield," he demanded. All knew, even her that she was beaten. There was no need for him to strike her once more to prove it. However, she would not."Never," she hissed. She spewed resentment with her gaze and dared him with venom to claim victory by vicious means."You will get no satisfaction from me. No more will you hold sway or say over me and my life. I have paid what culture and respect has demanded. My duty is fulfilled. It is over Raala. You are beaten and I will not debase myself in senseless violence." He stood and offered her his hand. Spitting upon his offer was not her only response as she rose to her feet."We will never be finished. You will never be rid of us. Your life will be haunted by ghosts that will become far too real in time." She was silent for long moments. The room was silent. Her curse lingered between them. Then, a bitter acceptance crept over her. “We may never be done, son of House Qel-Dorren.. Yet, honor demands I acknowledge a truth learned in this exchange between us. You are not the man I fought in the battle days past. He was you, as I remember you. But you are not he.” With that she turned and departed.In the days after, his Master deemed that the ordeal fulfilled the requirements of two different trials. In the midst of such emotional turmoil he displayed insight into the heart of a matter with poise and calm. Then, when confronted with threats and a contest against malice and conviction, he displayed self control and his full depth of skill in an art he had cultivated for years in a duel with real consequences.Trials of the Flesh & CourageBalmorra. A planet desperate for liberty from the Empire, but jaded and in no rush to accept the Republic once more. Yet, come the Republic did to aid in the liberation. For the resources, namely the arms manufactured of the planet were imperative. Coriic, was one of many Jedi who came to aid in the operation. In the second month of the campaign, the emerging Jedi Commander lead a mission to rescue the remnants of captured resistance members from a POW camp. All intel indicated the camp was meant more as a transfer point for all POW's and Detainees to be sorted and shipped out. It was lightly defended and counted on its position far behind the lines for security. Using a stolen Imperial shuttle on loan from the resistance, he and a squad of disguised troopers landed in the camp. Masquerading as a Sith, Coriic was able to bluff his way to the holding area the resistance members were and order their release into his custody for transport. However, as they made their way back to the shuttle it all went horribly and oddly wrong. A tall and furious Sith Pureblood emerged from a tent behind them. Her voice raised in incredulous challenge."Tyriin, what by all that is holy are you doing!?" Time seemed to slow as his mind and senses raced to comprehend what had occurred and react appropriately. Someone had mistaken him for someone else. Memories of the bizarre eye witness accounts on Eshan stirred and with masked dread he turned to face the Sith Lady. "These prisoners have information your Fathe-." She trailed off. Fierce yellow eyes and the expression of exasperation quickly turned to confused curiosity, then to shock. "You!?" He knew instinctively that this Sith woman he had never met knew him. Yet, he could not dwell on how or what the implications of this new discovery meant."Run!" He ordered. All chaos broke out then. His men became a stampede through the camp, leading their rescued brethren along towards the shuttle. Coriic drew his lightsaber and charged the Sith lady. His only thought to buy the needed time for them to reach the vessel of their deliverance. His onslaught was met head on with a torrent of lightning. It was impossible to catch the wide blast on the blade of his weapon, but he pressed on even as the pain threatened to overwhelm him. The space between them closed. From the moment their blades met, he knew instinctively he was outmatched. His Echani senses were well honed and he could read the signs. The gap between their skills and battle experience was vast. The yellow eyed Sith chuckled. "You will be of such use and gain to me." The Padawan's responded with blade only. He kept the fight at range, for it was his only hope to buy the time he desired. His one advantage over her was his reach. And so he retreated step by step. Slowly giving ground as he and the carefully laid plan were systematically overwhelmed. Yet, he remained calm. Finding within himself an inner harmony that defied his surroundings. A peace that transcended the moment. A resolve to fight on, not in desperation or anger. But because it was necessary he do so to protect others. Verily, the fight only lasted as long as it did for the reason that her obvious intent was to capture him. Just when it seemed he would escape, his opponent altered her tactics. With outstretched hand, a sickly green glow emanated from her fingertips. He felt both the icy grip of frostbite and the flaming touch of fever. He dropped to one knee. "Now," She almost crooned. "There is someone who has been waiting a long time to see you again." His body was convulsing with pain. He felt weak and tired. However, the Force was with him. The shuttle flew overhead, ramp extended and with the last reserves of his strength, he launched himself upwards and was hauled in by his men.The first convulsions began before he lost consciousness. Pain tore through him. He could feel his life being consumed. His grasp on reality began to slip. His breathing grew shallow, and then came the coma. His dreams were haunted and hazy. Questions and the answers his mind came to in his state tormented him for what he would learn were weeks. He should have died. However, a Jedi Healer had been present when they arrived at the camp. Even so, it took him weeks to wake and further weeks to regain his strength. In that time, he was returned to Tython for recovery. In the debrief of the mission and the outcome, his master made the motion for his actions and the affects to fulfill his trials for both Courage and Flesh. It was agreed and so only one trial remained.Trial of SpiritIn the winter of a year in which he had faced demons from his past, demons of his present, he faced the darkness within himself. On a cold morning, just before dawn, he and his master hiked into the mountains of Tython. There, they made a fire and as the sun rose, Coriic sat facing the coming sunrise. As it crested the peaks, he closed his eyes to seek the mirror within. The secret place within himself where the truest and most dangerous parts of him resided. The passions locked away. The desires. The dreams. Every want and lust. There stood he, who embodied all. Yet, no dark and twisted thing he was. A creature of art and skill. Tall and radiating power. Wreathed in light and beauty. Where was the corruption? The evil? It was then that he began to understand his peril. For in his mind, he had viewed those who followed the dark side as enemy, not the Dark side itself. So here before him stood not an enemy, but one who appeared to possess a zeal for life and freedom he could never obtain as a Jedi. Jealousy crept into his heart. Come. The specter beckoned. Come. Come and see the joy of being free. He fought within himself. A great war of reconciliation. For he no longer knew what or who he fought. Who or what was the enemy? Slowly his mind began to turn over the deeper philosophies at work. What was freedom? Did it truly mean the radical self autonomy and self actualization to do as he pleases and live by his whims? Was the Dark side truly so evil is this is what being free was? Come. Break your chains. Chains. That is when he saw it. For all the talk of being free and unrestrained by shackles, the specter before him was actually bound by layer upon layer of bondages. They slithered and wrapped around him like serpents. Allowing him to move freely at their will. Controlling every movement. It was then he shook his head. The truth of what it meant to dedicate oneself to the Dark or Light dawned on him in a fresh rush of conviction. "What you call freedom is nothing more than anarchy. You have made yourself the highest authority and in so doing become a slave to yourself. Only in discipline and dedication to the Light can we truly be free. In serving the Force over self. For in serving myself I would not become you. For you are the illusion of shallow philosophies. Not the reality.He stirred from his meditations. Calm and with freshly forged convictions. His beliefs rooted in the understanding this glimpse into the mirror revealed. His final trial was complete. He was a Jedi and he would serve the Light.He was Knighted in the closing weeks of 11 ATC. With the severing of his Padawan braid and oath made, he rose a Jedi Knight.Life of a Jedi: War Knight Rises 12 ATC - 16 ATC
Rise of the Eternal Empire: A New Enemy 16 ATC - 17 ATC
Rise of the Eternal Empire: Jedi Rebel 17 ATC - 21 ATC
Rise of the Eternal Empire: Alliance Jedi 21 ATC - 22 ATC
Return to the Order: A Time to Grow and Train 22 ATC - 24 ATC
Renewed Conflict: Prelude to War 24 ATC - 25 ATC
Jedi Under Siege: War is Upon Us 25 ATC - 26 ATC
Onslaught: War is Upon Us 25 ATC - 26 ATC
Jedi Under Siege: War is Upon Us 26 ATC - 28 ATC

Mentorship: While rare, given the upheaval and fractured state of a rebuilding Jedi Order, it would be acceptable for a protégé of Lightsaber combat to be sent to him for mentoring in a specific Form or if a Knight is seeking to begin their own walk towards the Path of Battlemaster if a more suitable Master could not be found within his own Enclave.
"You Killed my Father, Prepare to Die:" The deaths of many can be laid at his feet. It is no strange thing for Sith, Imperials, Bounty Hunters, and other such ilk to seek revenge upon him. Perhaps you are one such avenger?
"Never Tell me the Odds:" You have beseeched the Jedi for aid in a mission of most dire nature. Are you a diplomatic convoy in need of Protection? Are you an oppressed people in need of liberation? Perhaps you merely flagged down the tall ethereal stranger in the street to help you catch a thief.
Your Idea Here: As a storyteller, I am open so such a wide array of potential story arcs. If the character has caught your attention and you have any suggestions for tales to be told, feel free to reach out.
Distinctions:Indomitable Will: Possessed of a rare combination of naturally strong willed with voluntary control of self, he is a force to be reckoned with. This has enabled him to stand his ground, even when faced with untenable odds, supernatural terrors, or sorcerous powers that bend the minds of lesser souls.Skilled Orator: Speaking with a confidence and talent that most find hard to ignore, and people are more likely to hear what he has to say. This does not mean that those who hear him will heed him, however, and his words may still have undesired consequences or fall on deaf ears.Hands of Stone: Coriic is an extremely powerful man. Furthermore, his punches possess that inexplicable x-factor known as knock out power. When sparring or instructing he must force himself to pull his punches when engaged in unarmed combat. This is due to the sheer damage he can do with his bare hands.Natural Leader: He has never sought it, nor run from it. Yet, it has always sought him out. He inspires with action and word. Charismatic and mysterious. People seem to follow him willingly even into danger.Dangerous Allure: Coriic has an air of dangerous beauty around him, and qualities that others find difficult to ignore. People find his looks and demeanor both bewitching and intimidating.Adversities:Scorn of the Empire: A life lived in combat, leading the forces of Jedi and the Republic gains notoriety. This also makes enemies. More than one Sith has sworn vengeance for the death of a child or lover at Coriic's hand. There are plenty of officers and troops that want him dead. More than once has he fended off bounty hunters seeking his capture or head.Sworn Enemy: By virtue of treacherous circumstance, his twin brother was raised Sith. Both are sworn to turn the other and thus save them. For this reason their destinies are now bound to clash with one another throughout their lives.A Flirt for Death: Coriic has felt the welcoming hand of Death several times in his life. Heard her beckon to him. Indeed, if not for his powerful connection to the Force, he would have perished. The use of the Force Body technique has no doubt stolen years off his life.Resigned Reformer: As one not born into the Jedi life, Coriic has always glimpsed it through the eyes of one who has held other beliefs. He is highly critical of stale doctrine and radical reform. He has always endeavored to live and instruct in such a way as to bring about slow steady change for the betterment of the Order. Namely in how face value readings of Jedi teachings are becoming fare too common and the growing apathetic mindset that it cultivates. He believes the Order has lost its way over the Millenniums and become detached from the true wealth of their teachings. Preferring shallow dogma.Passions:The Art of Armament: Coriic possesses a love for arms and armor and is passionate about their uses, applications, and minute differences. He also took particular interest in Jedi Artisans for this reason dedicated time to study under them that he might reflect his soul and being into his own weapons and armour.Battle Scholar: A disciple of combat, he has delved tirelessly into the histories and musings both in the Jedi Temple and outside sources. Ranging from battle strategies to archaic fighting forms of various cultures. An exercise in preparedness most useful for a Battlemaster.Anxieties:Psychological Scaring: As a young and overconfident Knight, Coriic was captured by a yellow eyed Sith. For months he endured torture and use in experiments. Culminating in the humiliating slow etching of her fang over his face to give him his unique facial scaring to mark him as her slave. Upon his escape he has vowed to never be taken alive again. He will die before becoming a prisoner.Discontent with Inaction: Born into a culture of warriors with a language in movement, he often finds extended periods or peace and stillness hard to bear. Fear of stagnation and the knowledge that the Enemies of the Jedi are out there wreaking havoc steal some of the contentment and enjoyment of daily life from him.Habitual Isolationist: A quiet and solitary being by nature; his fundamental struggle against the societal structure of his home planet and subsequent joining of the Jedi created and reinforced a cycle of intentional withdrawal from others. He keeps his thoughts and emotions to himself. Purposefully hiding much of himself away from the majority of people. This often leads to a disregard for the input of others in favor of his own musings and conclusions.

OOC Info
Hello there! I will be brief here as there will be simple stating of facts. I am a thirty year old Military Firefighter. Canadian and in the Atlantic TZ. Should you wish to RP with me, I expect those I rp with to be mature and preferably 21 or over.I am on the Starforge Server which is NA based. My availability varies, but I am most active in the evenings Mon-Fri and Sat.I am seeking to establish long term RP stories with like minded storytellers. I am open to all forms of RP writing. Scenes in game, over discord, or even forum/google doc are all on the table.Coriic is a well established Character of nearly a decade. He is powerful, talented, and experienced. I am not here to run roughshod over your characters, but nor do I expect you to do the same. Good communication is key as well as firm understanding of where each individual character sits in respect to each other. I am happy to forge a rivalry with an equal in which there is an expected win some lose some for both characters, or be the catalyst in driving another character to grow stronger, or for he himself to be forced to improve. Mutually respect between players for the RP is a must. These stories can be challenging, but rewarding and in my opinion are some of the most fun to do.
Art Gallery
A simple gallery of artworks depicting Coriic that I have gathered over the years. Enjoy!